Program & Replays

The Hara Dimension: Soulful Being and Becoming

Broadcast on November 16, 2022
With Amelia Vogler
Hosted by Alkemia Earth

Amelia Vogler explains that many people are familiar with meridians, nadis, and the chakras, but more foundational to all of these is the hara dimension. The hara provides the incarnation template for your soul and holds the keys to healing your ancestral code, your physical embodiment, your alignment with your spiritual purpose, and the deepest grounding possible within your own nature.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • The role the hara plays in your energy system
  • The three primary nodes of the hara
  • How you can work with the hara for self-healing
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Amelia Vogler

Grounding & Energy Medicine Specialist

Amelia Vogler is a Grounding and Energy Medicine Specialist, internationally respected teacher of energy medicine, Spiritual coach and meditation guide. She embeds essential energetic practices in her meditations and teachings to support the betterment of humanity. In addition to her teaching and meditation work, she has an international private practice. She helps those who have lost a sense of wholeness, reclaim the parts of themselves that have felt lost. In her 15-year career, she has helped over 7,000 individuals re-pattern or transform limiting beliefs through grounding practices, intuitive insight, and advanced energy medicine. Her practice expands around the globe, serving clients in Asia, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, South America, Canada, and the United States.

Amelia Vogler