Program & Replays
Bioenergetics of Trauma
There's been a huge increase in chronic illness and mental health conditions over the past 18 months. Dr. Elena Villanueva will explain how the body and brain rewire themselves, causing a distortion of your bioenergetic field that often can lead to chronic disease and mental illness of every kind. She will also discuss how we can control our bioenergetic fields, and how we can restore them so that our minds and bodies can heal.
In this session, you’ll discover:
- What are the most common root causes of illness
- How do your thoughts, words, emotions, and unresolved trauma make you sick
- Bioenergetic field testing and treatments to restore your bioenergetic field
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UPGRADE HEREDr. Elena Villanueva
Dr. Elena Villanueva is an international speaker, health influencer, and the producer and host of several groundbreaking health-based educational series, including Beyond the Pill and The Mastering Trauma Masterclass. She is co-author ofThe Longevity Code, and has been featured on FOX News, MSN, Healthline, Houston Chronicle, and many other media outlets.
Dr. V and her team teach evidence-based approaches for finding and treating the underlying causes of chronic illness and mental health conditions. They run a multifaceted trauma and emotional release program that also addresses chronic diseases and mental health conditions that are rooted in unresolved trauma and unprocessed emotions.
After Dr. V’s unique approach and outstanding clinical outcomes gained attention in the health and wellness spheres back in 2019, she started speaking at medical conferences. She now runs a practitioners certification program, teaching doctors and coaches her potent data-driven approaches for achieving excellent clinical outcomes with chronic illnesses, while also ensuring they understand how to scale their businesses using the six pillars of business success.